Monday, August 15, 2011

Flowers of Costa Rica

I recently came back from a trip to Costa Rica where I visited my cousin and great friend Lindsey. While I was there I couldn't help but notice, and take pictures of, all the wonderful flowers and plants that surrounded the countryside.  Although I saw some old favorites like giant hydrangeas, I was delighted by all the new flora I saw on the volcanic mountainside of the rural community where I was staying.
Below are some pictures a little information about some new favorites I discovered. For a complete look of my pictures check out my facebook album ( ).

Heliconia pendula 
Above and Below: The heliconia or false bird-of-paradise is a common flowering plant in Central America. It can also be found in the islands of the Pacific and Indonesia. These pictures were both taken at La Paz Waterfall Gardens where a variety of plants and animals of Costa Rica can be found along with gorgeous waterfalls.
Heliconia latispatha

Orange Crocosmia

Above: Fields of this beautiful orange flower grow wild all over the countryside and area great addition to any bouquet or floral arrangement. Below: This purple flower grew all over the trees
right outside of the house. I can't find the name of it anywhere but learned that it attracts hummingbirds. If anyone knows the name of this beautiful flowering tree please let me know!
Purple hummingbird flower

Canna lily

Above: A field of tall orange canna lilies on the hillside of La Paz Waterfall Gardens. This not a true lily but is in the Cannaceae family. The first time I saw this flower was at Longwood gardens in the rainbow walk and instantly fell in love with them. When I saw this abundance of fiery flora I knew I had to take a picture and try to capture the beauty to share with others.

What are some unique flowers or plants that you have seen while traveling?

1 comment:

  1. The flowers here (especially any of the bright orange ones) are definitely some of my favorite things about here in Costa Rica!
