Saturday, December 3, 2011

Living Wreaths

Anyone who has ever come to my apartment knows that I always have a wreath on my front door that I change for the different seasons. I think it is a fun and easy way to show a little bit about your personality before anyone even steps inside your home.
Wreaths were also a prominent part of the Christmas Flower show at Phipps this year, with the majority of them being living wreaths. This means that they were made out of live plants and flowers that continue to grow as they are in the wreath form. Of course there were also the typical evergreen wreaths with red bows but I think the living wreaths are just a bit more special.
Here are some pictures of the wreaths at the Phipps Christmas show.
Wreaths surrounding the portraits of the founders as you first walk in.

Absolutely love this! Wreath around the clock from the Nutcracker.

Giant wreath made of clover. Last year they had a big red bow on it, wish they had done that again.

So you can get an idea of the size.
Not a living wreath but it was so pretty I had to share it anyways.

For information on how to make your own living wreath I found this great blog you can check out.
DIY Living Wreath

For more information about Phipps Conservatory.

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